
ReScene .NET

cleared RAR archive end block

Will fix the problem with these kind of releases:
Creation works, but reconstruction fails. The following code fixes this:

                    else if (block.RawType >= (byte)RarBlockType.RarMin && block.RawType <= (byte)RarBlockType.RarMax || block.RawType == 0x00)
                        // -> P0W4 cleared RAR archive end block: almost all zeros except for the header length field
                        // copy any other rar blocks to the destination unmodified
                        rarfs.Write(block.RawData, 0, block.RawData.Length);

YopoM ok, made a stand alone .. batch file, hah .. that fixes the problem. Simplistic, but anyone can run, only needs to have DEBUG.EXE and MOVE.EXE in the windows dir (some of those lite versions might not)
@echo off
REM ----------------
REM $$fix$$.bat
REM ----------------
REM  . Fix rar files recreated with srr that have a 20 byte type 0 block at end
REM ----------------
REM  .... Quick fix, this only works on .rxx files, not any partxx types
REM ----------------

REM Trap rars not handled
FOR %%T in (part1 part01 part001) do IF EXIST *.%%T.rar goto err1
REM Check size of rar
SET @@p=
FOR %%T in (*.rar) do SET @@p=%%~zT
IF NOT "%@@p%"=="14999980" goto err2
REM Create patch file via debug.exe
ECHO n $tmp$>$
ECHO e 100 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>>$
ECHO rcx>>$
ECHO 14 >>$
ECHO w 100>>$
ECHO q>>$
REM Get base name of rar files
FOR %%T in (*.rar) do SET @@p=%%~nT
ECHO Fixing rars now (%@@p%.*)
FOR %%T in (ar 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
FOR %%T in (10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
FOR %%T in (20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
FOR %%T in (30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
FOR %%T in (40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
FOR %%T in (50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
FOR %%T in (60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
FOR %%T in (70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
FOR %%T in (80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
FOR %%T in (90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99) DO IF EXIST %@@p%.r%%T (REN %@@p%.r%%T %@@p%.r%%T.old&copy /y /b %@@p%.r%%T.old+$tmp$ %@@p%.r%%T>NUL&move /y %@@p%.r%%T.old _OLD>NUL)
ECHO Finished, old rar files are in _OLD
goto alldone

ECHO partx partxx and partxxx rar types not supported
goto alldone
if "%@@p%"=="" ( ECHO No rars found&GOTO alldone )
ECHO No truncated rars found.

REM Post Cleanup
FOR %%T IN ($ $tmp$) do if exist %%T del %%T
SET @@p=


srr.exe winrar2.80.rar

Unexpected Error:
System.IO.InvalidDataException: You must start with the first volume from a RAR set
   at ReScene.Program.CreateReconstructionFile(List`1 inFiles, DirectoryInfo inFolder, List`1 storeFiles, String srrName, Boolean savePaths)
   at ReScene.Program.Main(String[] args)

Unicode support

creation works but rebuild not? or is it only the stored files?

The.Butterfly.Effect.3.Revelations.2009.STV.FRENCH.720p.BluRay.x264-ROUGH sample reconstruction bug

It gives an error in ReSample .NET 1.2:
Unexpected Error: System.NullReferenceException

ReScene GUI

  • Does not work with multiple samples in the Sample folder.
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