
Try to use pyReScene for creating .srr files. The .NET tools could give a broken result. Try out srrGUI wrapper for pyReScene now!


ABOUT: A simple GUI wrapper for the pyReScene w32 CLI binaries.

USAGE: Select process, select paths, run process! Read tooltips for extra info.

DEPENDENCIES: srrGUI.exe must be in the same directory as the pyReScene CLI binaries (pyrescene.exe, retag.exe, srr.exe, srs.exe). If the pyReScene directory is added to the PATH environment variable then srrGUI can be executed from any location.

KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS: Alt+1-4 = select process; Tab = cycle forwards through controls; Shift+Tab = cycle backwards through controls; Space = press button/toggle checkbox.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows XP or higher.

VERSION HISTORY: See Changelog.txt for more details.

srrGUI v1.3 - 9 June 2020

  • ADDED: Display message box when aborting process #2 (if creating compressed RAR files) to advise manually ending RAR process in Windows Task Manager. This feature is only a temporary measure until a better solution is found.
  • CHANGED: Deleting the contents of the "RAR EXE Dir Path" text field no longer automatically clears the contents of the "Temp Files Dir Path" text field.
  • FIXED: Dragging and dropping a directory to the "RAR EXE Dir Path" text field did not enable the "Temp Files Dir Path" button and text field.
  • FIXED: When process #2 selected (and "Temp Files Dir Path" contains a path), selecting another process and then selecting process #2 again would disable the "Temp Files Dir Path" button and text field.
  • FIXED: Under certain conditions, some of the text field contents were not being read in correctly from the srrGUI.ini file, resulting in empty text fields.

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srrGUI v1.2.1 - 25 November 2017

  • FIXED: Changing from one process to another would clear all previously selected paths in the text fields.

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srrGUI v1.2 - 16 November 2017

  • ADDED: Dragging and dropping a SRR file to the "SRR File Path" text field now updates the "Output Dir Path" text field (when "Create directory from SRR file name" option is checked and "Output Dir Path" contains a path).
  • FIXED: "Create directory from SRR file name" option (if checked) was not working when dragging and dropping a directory to the "Output Dir Path" text field (when "SRR File Path" contained a path).
  • FIXED: "Remember settings?" checkbox was not disabled when running a process.

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srrGUI v1.1 - 26 September 2017

  • ADDED: Directory paths and SRR file paths can be added by dragging and dropping dirs/files to the appropriate text fields.

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srrGUI v1.0 - 4 September 2017

  • ADDED: "Remember settings?" option to save selected process and paths to srrGUI.ini file upon exiting. The settings are then loaded back from the .ini file when opening srrGUI again. The .ini file is saved in the same location as the srrGUI.exe file.

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srrGUI v1.0 Beta 2 - 22 May 2017

  • ADDED: Process to list SRR file contents.
  • ADDED: Output directory path option to create directory from SRR file name for process 2 and 3.
  • ADDED: Alt+1-4 keyboard shortcuts to select process.
  • CHANGED: Output directory path is now optional for process 2 and 3. If omitted, the input directory path will also be used as the output directory path.
  • CHANGED: Some minor changes to the GUI and its functionality.

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srrGUI v1.0 Beta 1 - 14 April 2017

  • Initial beta release.

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The latest version can be downloaded from
Older versions and repository backup:

pyReScene is a port of ReScene .NET to the Python programming language. pyReSample has support for MP4 and WMV samples and MP3 and FLAC music files, and pyReScene Auto is a one stop solution for creating SRR files of your releases.

pyReScene 0.7 (2018-06-02)

Grab it at

  • pyReScene Auto: create SRRs for NFO-, DIR- and other fix releases
  • pyReScene Auto: do not store cut off movie poster JPEGs
  • ReSample: better support for MKVs that use header compression
  • ReSample: reconstruct x265 samples and make better SRS files for it
  • ReScene: amount of threads rar uses not limited based on cpu cores (-mt)
  • ReScene: —mt-set, —mt-min, —mt-max reconstruction options added
  • ReScene: skip ISDb hash creation for non video files
  • ReRar: possibility to provide other attr values as parameter
  • + various smaller fixes and scripts added

pyReScene 0.6.1 (2016-06-26)

  • pyReScene Auto: skip candidate stored files or folders based on regex
  • pyReScene Auto: missing proof RAR prevented SRR to be created
  • pyReScene Auto: do not check .m2ts and .ts against the main files
  • ReSample: Python 3 always made a copy of the music file before fingerprint
  • ReSample: Python 3 error fixed on very broken music tracks
  • ReSample: failed to parse .srs file again
  • ReScene: Extract stored files based on regular expression
  • ReScene: SRR padding block in -e output correctly displayed
  • ReScene: RELOADED, QCF custom RAR packer issues resolved
  • ReScene: display CRC error messages upon reconstruction
  • ReScene: suppress invalid error message on compressed files
  • ReScene: warning added to not use srr for vobsub creation (use auto instead)
  • TVMove: script to move files to the correct episode release folder

pyReScene 0.6 (2016-05-30)

  • Python 3 support (thanks to vadmium)
  • pyReScene Auto: Folder right-click shell extension for Windows File Explorer
  • pyReScene Auto: don't create SRR meta data for proof images in RAR
  • pyReScene Auto: SRRs for vobsubs path bug fixed and optional switch added
  • pyReScene Auto: stored SRR and RAR files above their SFV in list
  • pyReScene Auto: crash fixed when path of SRR to create was too long
  • pyReScene Auto: failed to create SRRs when 'subs' was found in file names
  • pyReScene Auto: --best option added (same as -c -s -v)
  • pyReScene Auto: includes images from Cover/Covers subfolders
  • pyReScene Auto: fewer .mp3.txt files (when ID3v1 tag is available at end)
  • pyReScene Auto: skipping of known .log files didn't work (e.g. rushchk.log)
  • pyReScene Auto: no empty error reports
  • pyReScene Auto: --skip (-x) and --skip-list options added
  • ReSample: VOB, M2TS (no reconstruction) and MPEG SRS creation support
  • Resample: "ReSample .NET 1.3 Preview" fix: MKV header compression/stripping
  • ReSample: Faster AVI reconstruction times.
  • ReSample: MemoryError on large MP4s fixed and skipping crc32 calculation when possible
  • ReSample: better expected size estimate for broken MP4 files (!= 48 bytes)
  • ReSample: RIFF mp3: KeyError fixed and SRS will create when fpcalc fails.
  • ReSample: construct SRS for some bad MP3 files too + print warning
  • ReSample: retag mp3 files with extra leading or trailing bytes
  • ReSample: "OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long" on a bad MP3 file fixed
  • ReSample: new option to keep sample reconstruction failures (-k) Default behavior changed to delete the broken file. (except for music to prevent accidental deletion when fixing tags)
  • ReScene: Reconstruct a single RAR volume or single disk from SRR.
  • ReScene: SRR was stored in subfolder instead of output folder
  • ReScene: Reconstruction error fixed (when unpack size is set to 4294967295)
  • ReScene: -x and -d extracts to folder named after .srr in the output path
  • ReScene: Duplicate SFV lines won't include the RAR meta data twice.
  • ReScene: No crashes on RAR5 files. (but no support yet)
  • ReScene: SFV files with only \r (MacOS) line endings work
  • ReScene: KeyError fixed when reconstructing compressed archives
  • ReTag: Script to fix the tagging of music files. (
  • New script added to detect bad "samples" in SRR files. (
  • New script added to batch create SRS or TXT files. (
  • Scripts relocated and .bat files added for easy PATH inclusion in Windows.
  • awescript: Move proof images to Proof/ folder.
  • Usenet: better error handling/prevention
  • Lots of bug fixes/small improvements. (only one related to compressed rars)


pyReScene 0.5, 0.5.1 (2013-07-14)

  • ReScene: initialization bug fixed (compressed RARs issue)
  • ReScene: choosing correct dictionary size while reconstructing
  • ReScene: able to reconstruct RAR 2.0x archives
  • ReScene: solid archives fix (threading issue)
  • ReScene: fix for archives larger than 4GB
  • ReScene: support for compression failures (larger packed size than unpacked size)
  • ReScene: provided -t folder does not need to be empty
  • ReScene: support for padding at the end of the RAR files; Never.on.Sunday.1960.DVDRip.XviD-AEN and recent DAA releases
  • ReScene: don't leave a broken SRR file when a 0-byte RAR file is encountered
  • ReScene: -r parameter to locate renamed files when using -q, --verify
  • ReSample: FLAC and MP3 support: backing up tags to SRS file + AcoustID fingerprint and duration; MP3 tags: ID3v1, ID3v2, Lyrics3v1, Lyrics3v2, APEv1, APEv2
  • ReSample: -m option added to prevent using stored match offsets
  • ReSample: fixed KeyError on sample reconstruction; The.Butterfly.Effect.3.Revelations.2009.STV.FRENCH.720p.BluRay.x264-ROUGH (NullReferenceException error in .NET version)
  • ReSample: fixed KeyError on sample reconstruction: 2001.A.Space.Odyssey.1968.1080p.MULTI.BluRay.x264-1080 (KeyNotFoundException error in .NET version)
  • pyReScene Auto: DVDx and DISCx subfolders added
  • pyReScene Auto: support for music releases
  • pyReScene Auto: stores complete RARs of small fix releases
  • pyReScene Auto: support for music video releases with multiple files
  • pyReScene Auto: --list-releases, --missing-nfos, --missing-samples
  • pyReScene Auto: SRRs for vobsubs (didn't work right, so disabled in 0.5.1)
  • bug with copying license file on Linux fixed
  • Python 2.6 and Python 3 support
  • update to version 0.7 by gooober


pyReScene 0.4 (2013-02-28)

  • pyReScene Auto: Fixing.Frank.2002.DVDRip.XviD-EXViD srr could not create
  • pyReScene Auto: infinite loop on The.Haunting.1963.DVDRip.XviD-FRAGMENT
  • pyReScene Auto: OS X issue fixed
  • pyReScene Auto: more subfolder detection fixes
  • pyReScene Auto: only store proof RAR files when they contain image files
  • ReSample: No sample recreation for MKV files with attachments (bug #2)
  • ReSample: Die.Simpsons.S04E02…..iNTERNAL-UTOPiA main AVI file with multiple audio tracks: the sample could not rebuild
  • ReSample: ASAP MP4 sample failed reconstruction
  • ReScene: Reconstruction support for compressed RAR files!
  • ReScene: -t switch to choose your own (empty) temporary directory


pyReScene 0.3 (2013-02-07)

  • pyReScene Auto: -l parameter added to report sample issues
  • pyReScene Auto: CD1.srr files were created in certain cases
  • pyReScene Auto: Subservience.2007.BDRip.XviD-DOCUMENT wasn't detected as a release
  • pyReScene Auto: -c flag works again
  • pyReScene Auto: FIX-release inside release dir made it fail
  • ReScene: -e output bug for RAR end block fixed

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pyReScene 0.2 (2013-02-05)

  • ReScene: hashes are stored while creating SRR files
  • BUG: reconstructing RARs with old style recovery records works
  • PyPy support: it runs faster than with CPython
  • EXE files for Windows available

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pyReScene 0.1 (2013-01-14)

pyReScene Auto: (

  • Initial version. It can automatically create a complete SRR file.
  • No write access to the release directory is required. This means it works with DVDs. It also guarantees that nothing in the processed directories will change. (not a guarantee of awescript)
  • -s parameter verifies sample against main movie files. If this fails it will still try to create an SRS file.
  • -r parameter to recursively create SRR files.
  • -c parameter will create SRRs for compressed RAR files.
  • .ext.txt text files for corrupt samples. They show the error and the file size.

ReScene: (srr)

  • Initial version. Changes since ReScene .NET 1.2:
  • Asks for confirmation before overwriting an SRR file.
  • Ability to replace missing file data with zero bytes when reconstructing: reconstruct with missing files.
  • -l option lists file sizes and CRCs too.
  • -e option lists detailed SRR information.
  • Add, remove, rename stored files API available.
  • Able to locate more data files in Linux.
  • Able to write the corrupt end block of certain P0W4 releases. e.g. Psych.S06E02.HDTV.XviD-P0W4
  • Separate script for fixing merged SRR files ( copy /b cd1.srr+cd2.srr cdALL.srr The merged SRR file contains two application names and not all files are at the start of the SRR file.
  • -q parameter to verify an extracted release is valid.

ReSample: (srs)

  • Initial version. Changes since ReSample .NET 1.2:
  • MP4 support: SRS construction and sample reconstruction.
  • WMV support: SRS construction and sample reconstruction.
  • SRS creation of a rarred sample failed: Corruption detected: Invalid FourCC value (Rar!) at 0x00000000. Aborting.
  • -y, yes to all, option added.
  • System.NullReferenceException from the .NET version is fixed.

pyReScene Usenet

  • See



ReScene .NET (OLD reference implementation)

ReScene is a command-line utility written in C# and requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or greater to run. It has also been tested (thx Antioch) on the multi-platform mono framework version 1.9.1 under linux.

You can get the current source here. I'm leaving the source code for Beta 6 (the last version from the old monolithic codebase) here as well. Some of you might find it a bit easier to follow than the newer, more object oriented code.

I have also removed the information about the platform-independent C port that was previously listed here. That version has been left behind by improvements in the .NET version and has not been updated (it was functionally equivalent to ReScene .NET Beta 2). If you're interested in looking at the code anyway, you can download it here.

If you have bug reports, feature requests, questions, or just want to chat about all things rescene, you can find all the world's leading ReScene experts in our IRC channel

Original download page on

Note: use pyReScene instead of this outdated software.

ReScene .NET 1.2 (Jun 9 2010)

Changes in 1.2:

  • Added support for archives with Unicode (actually UTF-8) encoded file names.
  • Fixed a bug that caused errors when reconstructing archives with extra data (or padding) in their File Blocks. Specifically, if an archive contains a file that has a packed size larger than its original size (something that shouldn't ever happen with m0 compression), older versions of ReScene would repeat the last valid buffer of data to fill the difference, resulting in CRC (and SFV) errors on the last reconstructed file. This build fills the difference with null bytes instead and does not include the extra data in the CRC calculation. Note that although this change seems to have fixed all known issues with such archives, since there's no reason for the situation to occur in the first place, there's no guarantee this fix will handle all such archives in future.

Download - Source - gomtuu fix - Bugs

ReScene .NET 1.1 (Mar 19 2010)

Changes in 1.1:

  • Added -r switch to enable support for auto-locating renamed files. When this switch is used, if a file needed for reconstruction cannot be located in the input directory, the program will look for another file with the same extension and file size and attempt to use it instead.
  • Added archived file list to the output when using the -l switch.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when reconstructing a release that had directory structure preserved in the RAR archive. Now no attempt is made to open directories or 0-byte files during reconstruction since no data would be needed from them anyway.

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ReScene .NET 1.0 (Oct 14 2009)

Changes in 1.0:

  • Added -p switch to enable support for saving/restoring path information to/from SRR files. During SRR creation, the -p switch will enable saving relative path information with the file names stored in the SRR. During reconstruction the -p switch will allow ReScene to re-create a sub-folder structure for the release (e.g. CD1, CD2) provided the SRR file has the paths stored.
  • Added -h switch to allow you to specify rename hints during reconstruction. If you renamed one or more of the original files after extracting them, this feature will allow you to tell ReScene the new name of the file so it can locate it and use it. Hints are given as a pair, separated by a colon (e.g. original.mkv:newname.mkv).
  • Added -y switch to assume Yes to all prompts to overwrite files.
  • Added automatic CRC checking during reconstruction. RAR files now have their stored data checked against the CRC value from the RAR header when they are rebuilt. This allows ReScene to detect and warn you if a file from which you are reconstructing is corrupt. Since this check only validates the data inside the RAR, it is still recommended you sfv check the release after reconstruction. If you do intend to sfv check, you can disable the automatic CRC check with the -u switch to make the process run a little faster.
  • Added -u switch to disable automatic CRC checking. See previous change entry for details.
  • Improved error handling for invalid commandline parameters.
  • Improved handling of invalid records in sfv files.
  • ReScene is now 'officially' released! Woo! This doesn't mean anything other that I consider it to be reliable and stable at this point (as it has been for a long time). The files you created with the Beta versions will work just fine. We'll just have real version numbers from now on…

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ReScene .NET Beta 11 (Jul 18 2009)

Changes in Beta 11:

  • Fixed a bug that caused an out of memory (or other unexpected) error when processing RAR files without the LARGE_BLOCK flag set on the RAR File blocks.

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ReScene .NET Beta 10 (Jun 11 2009)

Changes in Beta 10:

  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when running ReScene from the root of a drive.


ReScene .NET Beta 9 (Jun 1 2009)

Changes in Beta 9:

  • Fixed a bug that might caused an error when creating an SRR file on a RAR set with no SFV. Specifically, if the RAR set used the new-style naming and there was only a single RAR file in the set, ReScene would return an 'index out of bounds' error.
  • Added logic to correct the case of the working directory when a cd command had been used with the wrong case. This would have resulted in the SRR file name having the incorrect case when using the -d switch.
  • Added serveral performance optimizations to code that is shared with ReSample (e.g. CRC32 calculations).

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ReScene .NET Beta 8 (May 12 2009)

Changes in Beta 8:

  • Added support for old-style RAR Recovery Records. Previous ReScene versions only recognized the new (NewSub) type.

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ReScene .NET Beta 7 (May 10 2009)

Changes in Beta 7:

  • Added support for RAR sets with no SFV. Pass the first RAR from the set to ReScene, and it will find all remaining RARs from the set.
    ex: srr release.rar
  • Added support for mutiple multiple input files (RAR or SFV) to be processed into a single SRR file.
    ex: srr releasepart1.sfv releasepart2.sfv -s *.nfo
  • Added -l switch to list info about the files contained in an SRR file
    ex: srr release.srr -l
  • Added -x switch to extract all stored files contained in an SRR file without reconstructing the RARs.
    ex: srr release.srr -x
  • Changed all file handles to use shared read-only locks when possible. This will allow ReScene to be run against read-only media or file systems. It may also allow you to open files in use by other programs (provided those programs open the files with shared locks as well)
  • Changed the way relative paths are handled. In previous ReScene versions, all paths were considered relative to the one and only input file (first argument). For example, in the command line 'c:\srr.exe d:\stuff\release.sfv -s *.nfo', when looking for .nfo files to store, ReScene would look for them in the same folder as release.sfv. It was rather counterintuitive, and is incompatible with the new ability to use multiple input files. In the new version, all relative paths are considered relative to the working directory, or if the -i switch is used, relative to the input folder. To get the equivalent behavior of the example command in the new version, you would need to use: 'c:\srr.exe d:\stuff\release.sfv -s *.nfo -i d:\stuff' or 'c:\srr.exe d:\stuff\release.sfv -s d:\stuff\*.nfo'. In most cases, use of the -i or -o swicthes should clear up any differences in the behavior between the old and new versions.
  • Removed handling for switches beginning with / to improve linux compatibility. All switches must be prefixed with - rather than / (as the documentation has always indicated)


ReScene .NET Beta 6 (Jan 31 2009)

Changes in Beta 6:

  • Added support for RAR files with .001, .002, etc naming scheme.
  • Added ability to add stored files to an existing SRR file.
    ex: srr release.srr -s afile.txt
  • Added -o switch to specify output file or directory path. Can be combined with -d.
    ex: srr release.sfv -d -o c:\srrfiles
  • Added -i switch to specify input path for extracted files.
    ex: srr release.srr -i c:\extractedfiles -o d:\reconstructedrelease

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ReScene .NET Beta 5 (Jan 17 2009)

Changes in Beta 5:

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the RAR block parser to enter an infinite loop if a block header is corrupted. Rare case, but I fixed it anyway.
  • Updated the Usage info (-? switch) with better syntax guide, examples, and a version message.

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ReScene .NET Beta 4 (Jan 14 2009)

Changes in Beta 4:

  • Fixed a bug that saved incorrect file name length in stored files in certain situations. Specifically, if the SFV file name was a different length than the other stored file name(s), the lengths of the other stored file name(s) would be wrong in the header. (thanks to BudSmoker for alerting me to the problem)

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ReScene .NET Beta 3 (Jan 12 2009)

Changes in Beta 3:

  • Fixed a bug in the SFV parser that didn't handle empty/undersized lines correctly.
  • Added a check for unknown flags in SRR file blocks. The application will now warn if it encounters a flag it doesn't understand.
  • Added a generating application name field to the SRR header block. Now that there is more than one application, this will tell you which one created a given SRR
  • Added -s switch to allow for storing arbitrary (e.g. .nfo) files in the SRR
  • Added -d switch to force the name of the SRR file to come from its parent directory name rather than the SFV name

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ReScene .NET Beta 2 (Jan 3 2009)

Changes in Beta 2:

  • Added support for rebuilding RAR Recovery Records, resulting in smaller file sizes for SRR files

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ReScene .NET Beta 1 (Dec 22 2008)

  • Initial public release

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ReScene GUI (thanks to sobmorok)

Note: try to use the latest pyReScene Auto for creating SRR files instead of this software. It doesn't work for all RAR archives anymore and no support for .mp4 or music. Do not store actual vobsubs with this tool and then upload them to

Korombos, can we have the source? on


Version 1.3.3 beta (2011-09-13)


  • Fixed -c switch
  • srr tab:
    • storing additional files improved
    • -check for proof dir
    • -create .srr for extras
    • .srs is stored in Sample/ relative path
  • batch srr:
    • fixed bug with appending jobs
    • fixed bug with log, when Form wasn't active
    • search for .001 extensions, too
    • added checkbox for search on hidden folders
    • store .sfv files from subdirs (subs/extras)
    • added final log with failed releases
    • added ETA (estimated time available)
  • various fixes


Version 1.3.2 beta (2010-11-19)


  • .srs tab: checkbox to put sample on release folder w/o asking
  • .srs tab: added support with working dir
  • batch .srr tab: respects the .srs tab
  • fixes in store dialog
  • various bugfixes


Version 1.3.1 beta (2010-10-14)

Based on ReScene .NET 1.2.
Includes batch mode and ReSample functionality.

  • BugFixes


Version 1.3 beta (2010-09-28)


  • Added: Mass Reconstuction


ReSample .NET (OLD reference implementation)

Download MKV/AVI ReSample

Big News! Yes, you read that right, ReSample now works with AVI as well as MKV files! Usage is the same, file extension is the same. You just get two formats for the price of one.

Similar to ReScene, ReSample is initially available only as a command-line application and requires either the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or the mono framework 1.9.1 or greater.

I've (finally!) finished the rewrite of ReSample I had been planning, so we finally have a codebase readable by (some, at least) humans. You can get the current version of the source (C#) here. If you do get the source code, note that ReSample now uses ReScene as a library for some of its features. If you want to build the code, you'll need to either copy the corresponding classes from the ReScene code, or better yet, add a reference to srr.exe. I used ILMerge to bake srr.exe into ReSample, so there are still no external dependencies for the compiled version.

If you have bug reports, feature requests, questions, or just want to chat about all things rescene, you can find all the world's leading ReScene/ReSample experts in our IRC channel

MKV/AVI ReSample .NET 1.2 (Jun 9 2010)

Changes in 1.2:

  • Fixed a couple of bugs introduced by the additional error checking added to version 1.1. The new error handling is now active only when profiling a sample file, meaning corrupt sample detection is the same as 1.1, but handling of files during reconstruction is the same as 1.0. This fix restores the ability to reconstruct a sample from an incomplete MKV/AVI file or RAR set and resolves the issue of some AVI SRS files failing to load.

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MKV/AVI ReSample .NET 1.1 (Mar 19 2010)

Changes in 1.1:

  • Improved the behavior of the -o switch when reconstructing a sample. If the path used in -o is a folder that doesn't exist, it will be created and the sample will be placed inside.
  • Improved error handling/detection when reading a corrupted sample. Older builds would attempt to read beyond a corrupted portion of the file, sometimes resulting in excessive processor or memory usage. The new build will immediately abort when a parsing error occurs and report the location and type of the error. The only exception to this is errors near the file header. Those are processed as before so ReSample can tell you the expected size of a truncated sample.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause an IndexOutOfRange exception or other unexpected error when parsing an MKV or AVI file with 0-length elements/chunks.

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MKV/AVI ReSample .NET 1.0 (Oct 14 2009)

Changes in 1.0:

  • No changes to speak of, I'm afraid. I've just done a new build that includes ReScene 1.0 for the shared functionality and upgraded the version number to reflect release state.

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MKV/AVI ReSample .NET Beta 9 (Sep 28 2009)

Changes in Beta 9:

  • Added -b switch to enable support for sample files larger than 2GB. Not that I think anyone will have an actual sample over 2GB, but this change allows ReSample to be used to remux full video files. Files created with the -b switch will not work with previous versions of ReSample.
  • Added -c switch to force ReSample to check that all sample tracks can be located in the referenced full file before saving the .srs. Since the check step performs the same search that the track location step during reconstruction would perform, that step can be skipped on reconstruction if it was done during .srs creation. So while this switch makes it take longer to create the .srs, it will take less time to reconstruct the sample later. This change is backwards compatible with previous versions, although they won't benefit from the saved step.
    ex: srs sample.mkv -c full.mkv
  • Improved support for reconstructing samples directly from RAR archives. Previous versions would sometimes erroneously report that you had not supplied the first RAR in the set when you had. As far as I know, this only affected RAR sets created with very old versions of WinRAR.
  • Improved performance of both the .srs creation and sample reconstruction processes. Previous versions performed the CRC calculations separately, which meant reading the sample file one additional time. During .srs creation, the CRC is now calculated simultaneously with the parsing of the sample. During sample reconstruction, the CRC is calculated as the file is written. This doesn't have a huge impact on smaller samples since the file was likely cached for the extra passes anyway, but with the new large file support, it makes a significant difference.
  • Improved general error handling/reporting.

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MKV/AVI ReSample .NET Beta 8 (Jun 11 2009)

Changes in Beta 8:

  • Added -l switch to list SRS file info.
    ex: srs sample.srs -l
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when running ReSample from the root of a drive.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ReSample to report that it had created an SRS file when the user had answered 'No' to a file overwrite prompt (the file wasn't actually created in that case).


MKV/AVI ReSample .NET Beta 7 (Jun 1 2009)

Changes in Beta 7:

  • Added support for AVI files (for all the whiners — you know who you are).
  • Improved the logic used when locating sample tracks within the full MKV or AVI file. In certain cases, a false positive match early in the file would prohibit ReSample from finding the track later in the file (this would really only happen in a subtitle track in an MKV). I only ever saw one file that was affected by this, but it's nice to have it fixed anyway.
  • Changed the default track signature (the fingerprint of a track used to locate it in the full MKV/AVI) length from 128 bytes to 256 bytes in new SRS files. This was necessary to prevent false positives with XviD/DivX tracks.
  • Changed the way paths are handled when creating files. Previous ReSample versions created the SRS file in the same folder as the input sample unless the -o switch was used. The default is now to create the SRS file in the working directory unless -o is used. The same applies for reconstructing samples. The reconstructed sample file will now be created in the working directory unless the -o switch is used. And finally, previous versions created temp files used by the reconstruction process in the same folder as the input full MKV file. The new version will create those temp files in the same folder in which the sample will eventually be created.

Note: This release is an almost complete rewrite from the last version. There are really too many changes to mention, but functionality should be the same except for the changes noted above. You can expect slightly better performance from the new version as well. File format is unchanged, so all existing SRS files should work fine with this build.
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MKV ReSample .NET Beta 6 (Apr 27 2009)

Changes in Beta 6:

  • ReSample now removes attached files from the information stored in the SRS file. Some MKVs (particularly those with ASS subtitle tracks) contain attached files. Any attached files present in the sample will also be in the full MKV, so they are now removed along with the track data and restored during sample reconstruction. This will result in smaller SRS files for those samples that contain attached files.


MKV ReSample .NET Beta 5 (Apr 25 2009)

Changes in Beta 5:

  • Added support for track data stored in Matroska "SimpleBlock" Structures (used by default by mkvmerge starting with v2.7.0). In earlier ReSample versions, this data would have been recognized as metadata rather than track data, resulting in very large SRS files.
  • Fixed an error that might occur when trying to reconstruct a sample from an incomplete RAR set. Reconstruction should work with an incomplete RAR set, provided enough of the RARs are present to locate the sample track data.

Note: In the case of samples using the new SimpleBlock structure, I have chosen not to build in backward compatibility for existing SRS files that have them stored (as I would normally do when I add a feature to ReSample). The reason for this is that if you use ReSample on a sample file that uses SimpleBlocks, the SRS file will be larger than the sample, making it totally useless. If for some reason, you created an SRS file like that and then deleted the sample, simply use an older build of ReSample to reconstruct the sample and then use a newer build to get a "proper" SRS file.

MKV ReSample .NET Beta 4 (Apr 24 2009)

Changes in Beta 4:

  • Added support for .mkv.avi file extension for MKV samples
  • Added the ability to recontruct a sample directly from a RAR set containing an MVK file. (e.g. srs sample.srs release.rar)

Note: If you have issues reconstructing directly from RAR, simply extract the MKV and use as before. This functionality works as far as I know, but it hasn't been tested as thouroughly as the base functionality.

MKV ReSample .NET Beta 3 (Mar 23 2009)

Changes in Beta 3:

  • Original sample file name is now stored UTF8 encoded in the .srs file to allow for non-English characters


MKV ReSample .NET Beta 2 (Jan 24 2009)

Changes in Beta 2:

  • Fixed a bug that caused a file not found error when attempting to validate a sample after reconstruction.
  • Added -o switch to specify output path for .srs file


MKV ReSample .NET Beta 1 (Jan 17 2009)

Initial Public Release:

  • Pass in .mkv (sample) file to create .srs
  • Pass in .srs and .mkv (full) to re-create the sample
  • File verification is included



An up to date version working with pyReScene can be found in the pyReScene repository.

Awescript - SRR/SRS + Directory Creation + Moving + Extraction + more
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What is Awescript?

Awescript is a handy little for tidying your rarred scene releases. It's main use in the context of ReScene, is that it can generate SRR and SRS files automatically, and move them wherever you specify. However, it also unrars files, moves samples, extras, subs etc. into their correct folders, and (of course optionally) deletes anything un-necessary like NZB, SFV, samples, par2 and the rars themselves.

Installing and using Awescript

Before we start, you'll need a few things:
Python - the programming language that Awescript is written in.
Awescript -, and necessary files.
ReScene and ReSample - these are included in AweScript package already.
.NET Framework - required for SRR and SRS to work at all!

Having downloaded and installed/extracted these files, you need to append the extracted folder location to your PATH variable [how?]. When that's done, paste the following into the command line (Win+R > "cmd" > OK):
[path_to_python]\python.exe "[path_to_awescript]\"
[path_to_python] is usually "C:\Python31\", and [path_to_awescript] is the directory where you extracted the files earlier.

This ought to pump out all the help info about awescript. Have a brief read, then get cracking, or keep reading to integrate it into AltBinz.

Need help yet? Ask in the ReScene IRC channel on EFNET: #srrdb.

Integration with Alt.Binz

Alt.Binz, the popular "usenet proggy" can, as of v0.26.1 (a non-free version), execute another application or file upon completion of each download, after any PAR checking, unrarring etc. has occured [more info]. By using this feature to execute Awescript, we can tidy up our releases automatically, as and when they finish downloading.

It is important to check your settings in Alt.Binz, or the program may well not work. Click "Setup", and under the "PAR2" submenu, select the first four checkboxes. Under "Unrar", you probably want to check the "Auto Unrar" box, too.

Under the "NZB #2" tab, you add your execute command in the "Default Execute Command" box*. This should take the form..

[path_to_python]\python.exe "[path_to_awescript]\" --altbinz --[your_switches_here] "$d".

*If you don't have this option, you're using an old version of Alt.Binz - you need to buy a later version.

If you didn't read the help information displayed when you ran, you're probably the sort of person who'd rather just get the answer directly. Well, here's a "worked example":

C:\Python31\python.exe "C:\awescript\" --altbinz --ignore-subs --ignore-cds --srs-namep --srr-dir=O:\SRR "$d"

This command will check that no par2 files exist (--altbinz), then create an SRS file called [release_name].srs instead of [sample-filename].srs (--srs_namep) and embed it into an srr. It will then delete the srs (lack of --keep-srs), and put the SRR file in the "O:\SRR" folder (--srr-dir). Sample file will be moved to the "Sample" folder (lack of --ignore-sample), but the subs and CDs will not be moved anywhere (--ignore-subs and --ignore-cds). The "%d" is essential - it is replaced by the release directory when alt.binz runs the command.

To test the execution works okay before changing the alt.binz settings, just replace the "%d" with the full path to the release directory you want to fix.

FAQ / Troubleshooting

Q: I have a problem with "UnRAR" not being recognised/found, (or similar).
A: You've probably made a mistake adding the relevant directory to your PATH variable. Also ensure the "unrar.exe" file resides in the same folder as, (or in the folder you added to the PATH variable). Having changed the PATH, you need to restart the command window!

Q: When i test-run the script, i'm told there are PAR2 files present, and it quits.
A: This is probably because you haven't selected all the right options (to delete PAR2 files) in the alt.binz preferences. Delete all .par2 files in the directory in question, and retry. This error happens when you use the "--altbinz" switch with a folder containing par2 files.

Big thanks to guber for coding Awescript!

I appreciate that this is a very dumbed-down tutorial, so for any more advanced questions, make your way onto IRC! Needless to say, umlaut will never update this page again.


rescepy is a cross-platform Python2 script for automated SRR (ReScene) verification and reconstruction.

  • fetches srrs from:
  • verifies sfv files and reconstructs rars and samples if required.
  • ability to identify and process extracted files (video only)


  • Python2
  • pyReScene
  • UnRAR
  • cfv


pyautorescene automates the process of returning un-rarred scene releases back into their former glory. It makes use of pyReScene and srrDB to make the whole process has hands off as possible.

The main requirement is that you have already installed pyReScene from source as per the instructions. This tool does not work with the pre-compiled .exes.


A small utility to be used with pyReScene for automatically scanning folders and downloading SRR from srrDB.

srrdb Terminal Client

A terminal client to access, written in Go. You can search, download and upload files.


rerar - Re-create Rar sets exactly


PHP implementation for reading and editing ReScene .srr and ReSample .srs files.


Class for inspecting the contents of SRR files and reporting on the RAR files that they cover, as well as allowing extraction of any stored files that they might contain.


No support at all for any of these, but they could be useful when you try to create your own scripts.

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