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I found it. I emailed you at Katalist420#hotmail#com but no reaction. Drop me a line if you haven't got it yet. It's in my public mediafire folder with 0 downloads.

There's an expired download link in the other thread.

So how are you even using the newer rar versions for rebuilding, the scripts error out when they go outside winrar540?

by joe (guest), 28 Oct 2024 11:37

pyautorescene automates the process of returning un-rarred scene releases back into their former glory. It makes use of PyReScene and srrDB to make the whole process has hands off as possible.

With this fork, you can log into your srrDB account to bypass the daily download limit for .srr files. The redirection for srrxx is automatic, so you don't need to worry about it.

It is now also possible to add only NFO/SFV/Sample/Proof/Subs files if you already have scene releases but no longer have the unrarred .mkv files. You can rebuild missing files as long as they are in the same directory.

Additionally, you can search unrarred files by CRC to check if an .srr file is available or if the CRC is valid, for example.

If the script crashes for any reason everything done is print inside autorescene.txt with and without -v.

pyautorescene 2.0 by jalojijaloji, 17 Sep 2024 17:58


I've never understand why and you can check by yourself but almost all the samples of the group 4FR are reconstructed with resample…

There is something close to it here: But you still have to install some stuff yourself…


Re: Update of the tools request by jalojijaloji, 11 Sep 2024 21:58
Izu_uzI (guest) 15 Aug 2024 11:48
in discussion General discussion / ReScene » Manual reScene using RAR 5.50 and above

You got me curious, so I've actually found this release to try on my side. I've been able to ReScene the subs manually with RAR v4.11 and parameters that you apparently already tried:

PS :\> srr -q fico-gof.srr
File OK: fico-gof.sub.
All files OK!

PS :\> srr -q fico-gof-subs.srr
File OK: fico-gof.idx.
File fico-gof.rar not found. Skipping.
Corrupt and/or missing files!

PS :\> rar a -md4096 -m5 -mt2 fico-gof.rar fico-gof.sub

RAR 4.11   Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Alexander Roshal   17 Feb 2012
Shareware version         Type RAR -? for help

Evaluation copy. Please register.

Creating archive fico-gof.rar

Adding    fico-gof.sub                                                OK

PS :\> srr -q fico-gof-subs.srr
File OK: fico-gof.idx.
File OK: fico-gof.rar.
All files OK!

I also tried using the exact same command line than the one you put above, and it worked too, got the expected CRC32:
PS :\> rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt2 archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar fico-gof.sub

RAR 4.11   Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Alexander Roshal   17 Feb 2012
Shareware version         Type RAR -? for help

Evaluation copy. Please register.

Creating archive archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar

Adding    fico-gof.sub                                                OK

PS :\> crc32 *.rar
archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar 0147E221
fico-gof.rar 0147E221

So there must be an error on your side. Can't say much, but I'm confident you'll find out.
by Izu_uzI (guest), 15 Aug 2024 11:48

Yep, the CRC32 and file size of the .sub file matches the one in the SRR.
The file attributes were AI.
I ran the script for the other two fico subtitle files I downloaded as controls and could not reproduce the fico-<name>.rar file for either of them.
Maybe they used something custom or I'm just forgetting about something.
I'll clean up the script I made and make a separate post later in the forum for it.

by Woven1Woven1, 14 Aug 2024 02:32
Izu_uzI (guest) 11 Aug 2024 21:59
in discussion General discussion / ReScene » Manual reScene using RAR 5.50 and above

CRC32 hashing doesn't take into account timestamps of the file being hashed, hashing is only done using the data bytes.

By default, only the modification time matters, as the RAR format doesn't keep the others. You can request to include them by setting the "-ts<m,c,a>" switch, but nobody does that.

Using the x32 or x64 versions doesn't matter, it will produce the exact same archives.

Is your "fico-gof.sub" file doing 2392064 bytes? Does it match the expected CRC32 (0x06110605)? If not, then it's not the original one found in the FiCO release, and that's why you can't ReScene it. You might also double check that its attributes are set to "..A….", but that would not change the archive size, only the CRC32.

by Izu_uzI (guest), 11 Aug 2024 21:59

Ok, I think I get what I misunderstood.

1. I didn't realized .srr files could pack other .srr files
2. In the release I downloaded, it included a fico-gof.srr file which contained the many rars and stored the .nfo, .sfv and -sample.srs, so I didn't expect to be able to get another fico-gof.srr file which is actually for the subtitles.

That being said, I tried a bunch of things and still can't get the compressed size and crc32 to match 682720 and 0147E221.
I tried most of the winrar versions I could find and did a lot of combinations in
The thing I noticed is that the latest versions that seem to produce differences are:
2.00, 2.06, 2.50, 2.60, 2.80, 3.11, 3.51, 4.10, 4.11, 4.20, 4.90

The cut down version of my results is

|  version   |   crc32    | output_size_delta_bytes | dict_size_kb | compression | thread_count | force_rar4 | supports_threads | is_beta |  input_files  |              output_file              | target_out_size | output_file_size |                                         command                                         |
| winrar3.11 | 0x9240ae61 |           221           |     4096     |      m5     |      1       |   False    |      False       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar3.11_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar |      682720     |      682941      |       \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5  \archive_winrar3.11_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar \fico-gof.sub      |
| winrar3.51 | 0x9240ae61 |           221           |     4096     |      m5     |      1       |   False    |      False       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar3.51_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar |      682720     |      682941      |       \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5  \archive_winrar3.51_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar \fico-gof.sub      |
| winrar4.10 | 0x2b29e5fe |            40           |     4096     |      m5     |      1       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar |      682720     |      682760      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt1 \archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.10 | 0xe6e6ceb6 |            65           |     4096     |      m5     |      2       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar |      682720     |      682785      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt2 \archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.10 | 0x6347f07d |           118           |     4096     |      m5     |      4       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t4.rar |      682720     |      682838      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt4 \archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t4.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.10 | 0x68194fd5 |           206           |     4096     |      m5     |      8       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t8.rar |      682720     |      682926      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt8 \archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t8.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.10 | 0x68194fd5 |           206           |     4096     |      m5     |      16      |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t16.rar |      682720     |      682926      |    \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt16 \archive_winrar4.10_m5_d4096kb_t16.rar \fico-gof.sub   |
| winrar4.11 | 0x586f5d70 |            40           |     4096     |      m5     |      1       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar |      682720     |      682760      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt1 \archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.11 | 0x284b75c8 |            65           |     4096     |      m5     |      2       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar |      682720     |      682785      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt2 \archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.11 | 0xc5495ac  |           118           |     4096     |      m5     |      4       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t4.rar |      682720     |      682838      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt4 \archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t4.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.11 | 0xc6dcd982 |           206           |     4096     |      m5     |      8       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t8.rar |      682720     |      682926      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt8 \archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t8.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.11 | 0xc6dcd982 |           206           |     4096     |      m5     |      16      |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t16.rar |      682720     |      682926      |    \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt16 \archive_winrar4.11_m5_d4096kb_t16.rar \fico-gof.sub   |
| winrar4.20 | 0x415334bc |           -47           |     4096     |      m5     |      32      |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t32.rar |      682720     |      682673      |    \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt32 \archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t32.rar \fico-gof.sub   |
| winrar4.20 | 0x20872f1c |           -63           |     4096     |      m5     |      1       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar |      682720     |      682657      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt1 \archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.20 | 0x625fe991 |           -61           |     4096     |      m5     |      2       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar |      682720     |      682659      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt2 \archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.20 | 0x20872f1c |           -63           |     4096     |      m5     |      4       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t4.rar |      682720     |      682657      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt4 \archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t4.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.20 | 0xc8421c04 |           -65           |     4096     |      m5     |      8       |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t8.rar |      682720     |      682655      |     \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt8 \archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t8.rar \fico-gof.sub    |
| winrar4.20 | 0xde33e686 |           -66           |     4096     |      m5     |      16      |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t16.rar |      682720     |      682654      |    \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt16 \archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t16.rar \fico-gof.sub   |
| winrar4.20 | 0x8c8cbc93 |           -35           |     4096     |      m5     |      24      |   False    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t24.rar |      682720     |      682685      |    \rar.exe a  -md4096 -m5 -mt24 \archive_winrar4.20_m5_d4096kb_t24.rar \fico-gof.sub   |
| winrar5.90 | 0x4a6b11a0 |           -47           |     4096     |      m5     |      32      |    True    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t32.rar |      682720     |      682673      | \rar.exe a -ma4 -md4096k -m5 -mt32 \archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t32.rar \fico-gof.sub |
| winrar5.90 | 0x5967df13 |           -67           |     4096     |      m5     |      1       |    True    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar |      682720     |      682653      |  \rar.exe a -ma4 -md4096k -m5 -mt1 \archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t1.rar \fico-gof.sub  |
| winrar5.90 | 0x617ee0f0 |           -65           |     4096     |      m5     |      2       |    True    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar |      682720     |      682655      |  \rar.exe a -ma4 -md4096k -m5 -mt2 \archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t2.rar \fico-gof.sub  |
| winrar5.90 | 0xa50cc5c1 |           -13           |     4096     |      m5     |      64      |    True    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t64.rar |      682720     |      682707      | \rar.exe a -ma4 -md4096k -m5 -mt64 \archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t64.rar \fico-gof.sub |
| winrar5.90 | 0x5967df13 |           -67           |     4096     |      m5     |      4       |    True    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t4.rar |      682720     |      682653      |  \rar.exe a -ma4 -md4096k -m5 -mt4 \archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t4.rar \fico-gof.sub  |
| winrar5.90 | 0x71bbdc71 |           -69           |     4096     |      m5     |      8       |    True    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub |  archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t8.rar |      682720     |      682651      |  \rar.exe a -ma4 -md4096k -m5 -mt8 \archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t8.rar \fico-gof.sub  |
| winrar5.90 | 0x28ccd8a1 |           -68           |     4096     |      m5     |      16      |    True    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t16.rar |      682720     |      682652      | \rar.exe a -ma4 -md4096k -m5 -mt16 \archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t16.rar \fico-gof.sub |
| winrar5.90 | 0x85a91921 |            8            |     4096     |      m5     |      48      |    True    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t48.rar |      682720     |      682728      | \rar.exe a -ma4 -md4096k -m5 -mt48 \archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t48.rar \fico-gof.sub |
| winrar5.90 | 0xe923cede |           -39           |     4096     |      m5     |      24      |    True    |       True       |  False  | \fico-gof.sub | archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t24.rar |      682720     |      682681      | \rar.exe a -ma4 -md4096k -m5 -mt24 \archive_winrar5.90_m5_d4096kb_t24.rar \fico-gof.sub |

So 4.20 is pretty close and would match the 2012 timeline but not exact.
I've uploaded the full output of fico-got.srr for the subfile to but what I can see being relevant is

Block: RAR File; offset: 0x44 (68 bytes)
|Header bytes: 109c74c0903100946a0a00008024000205061106446f96401d350c00200000006669636f2d676f662e73756200b034f286
|HEAD_CRC:   0x9C10
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x74 (RAR File)
|   0x8000 LONG_BLOCK (ADD_SIZE field present)
|   0x1000 LHD_EXTTIME (Extended time field present)
|   0x00C0 LHD_WINDOW (Dictionary size 4096 KiB)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x31 (49 bytes)
+PACK_SIZE: 682644 bytes (ADD_SIZE + HIGH_PACK_SIZE field)
+UNP_SIZE: 2392064 bytes
+HOST_OS: Windows used to create this file block.
+FILE_CRC: 06110605
+FTIME: 2012-04-22 13:58:08
+UNP_VER: Version 2.9 is needed to extract.
+METHOD: Best compression
+NAME_SIZE: always present
+ATTR: 20
+FILE_NAME: fico-gof.sub
+modification time: 2012-04-22 13:58:8.8843828
+creation time: UNKNOWN
+last access time: UNKNOWN
+archival time: UNKNOWN

I am also calculating the rar CRC32 without modifying the rar modified timestamp so maybe this affects the CRC?
Do I also need to modify the created timestamp of the files I'm archiving?
Will using x32 vs x64 os matter?
Am I missing any non obvious flags?

by Woven1Woven1, 11 Aug 2024 17:10

Hi ,

who can create a powershell script for me to rebuild my mkv using the .srr , I tried with but I can't do it :(

my root folder : C:\Users\ENiGMA59\Downloads\reconstruition\Land.of.Tanabata.S01E08.SUBFRENCH.WEB.H264-UKDTV
my ssr file : C:\Users\ENiGMA59\Downloads\reconstruition\Land.of.Tanabata.S01E08.SUBFRENCH.WEB.H264-UKDTV\Land.of.Tanabata.S01E08.SUBFRENCH.WEB.H264-UKDTV.srr

my files C:\Users\ENiGMA59\Desktop\SRR :


thanx in advance

Help me rebuild .mkv by KERNEL59KERNEL59, 11 Aug 2024 11:02
Izu_uzI (guest) 10 Aug 2024 00:48
in discussion General discussion / ReScene » Manual reScene using RAR 5.50 and above

Hi mate!

Well, I've downloaded the "fico-gof-subs.srr" file on srrDB for the release you linked, and it actually contains another SRR stored especially to that purpose:

PS :\> srr -l fico-gof-subs.srr
Creating Application:
        pyReScene Auto 0.6

Stored files:
              124  fico-gof.srr
               33  languages.diz

RAR files:
        fico-gof-subs.rar 716270

Archived files:
        fico-gof.idx 4B0A7F26 33425
        fico-gof.rar 0147E221 682720

So if you extract it, you can retrieve the expected modification time for "fico-gof.sub" from there:

PS :\> srr -x fico-gof-subs.srr
fico-gof.srr: extracted.
languages.diz: extracted.

PS :\> srr -l fico-gof.srr
Creating Application:
        pyReScene Auto 0.6

SRR for compressed RARs.

RAR files:
        fico-gof.rar 682720

Archived files:
        fico-gof.sub 06110605 2392064

PS :\> srr -e fico-gof.srr | Select-String "FTIME|mod"

+FTIME: 2012-04-22 13:58:08
+modification time: 2012-04-22 13:58:8.8843828

The timestamp you're looking for is right there: 2012-04-22 13:58:08.8843828

Otherwise, unfortunately not, the SRR toolkit is pretty basic and can't retrieve RAR details inside RAR details recursively.

Regarding "RAR 1.5(v29)", it was the versioning syntax back to the RAR4 era. Actually, even today if you pack something with the last RAR version able to use the RAR4 algorithm (v6.24), it will show this same version on the "Compression" line:

PS :\> rar a -ma4 rar.rar rar.exe

RAR 6.24 x64   Copyright (c) 1993-2023 Alexander Roshal   3 Oct 2023
Trial version             Type 'rar -?' for help

Evaluation copy. Please register.

Creating archive rar.rar

Adding    rar.exe                                                     OK

PS :\> rar lt rar.rar

RAR 6.24 x64   Copyright (c) 1993-2023 Alexander Roshal   3 Oct 2023
Trial version             Type 'rar -?' for help

Archive: rar.rar
Details: RAR 4

        Name: rar.exe
        Type: File
        Size: 637080
 Packed size: 300514
       Ratio: 47%
    Modified: 2023-10-03 09:51:56,949742800
  Attributes: I.A....
       CRC32: 5FEE0A05
     Host OS: Windows
 Compression: RAR 1.5(v29) -m3 -md=1M

Hope I got you right…


by Izu_uzI (guest), 10 Aug 2024 00:48

Thanks for this detailed post, I'm actually trying to rebuild this release now and it's been much more challenging than I thought it would be especially for the subtitles since they seem to be double archived.

So I downloaded some other releases from that era 2009 and 2014 to inspect how subtitles are packed:

Archive: fico-lmbtcb-subs.rar
Details: RAR 4, recovery record

        Name: fico-lmbtcb.idx
        Type: File
        Size: 24181
 Packed size: 24181
       Ratio: 100%
       mtime: 2009-01-03 13:39:47,125000000
  Attributes: ..A....
       CRC32: F82F3E6F
     Host OS: Windows
 Compression: RAR 1.5(v20) -m0 -md=512k

        Name: fico-lmbtcb.rar
        Type: File
        Size: 278837
 Packed size: 278837
       Ratio: 100%
       mtime: 2009-01-26 19:33:13,788875000
  Attributes: ..A....
       CRC32: F606CC52
     Host OS: Windows
 Compression: RAR 1.5(v20) -m0 -md=512k

        Name: RR
        Type: Service
        Size: 9890
 Packed size: 9890
       Ratio: 100%
       mtime: 1979-11-30 00:00:00,000000000
  Attributes: .B
       CRC32: 9B139D45
     Host OS: Windows
 Compression: RAR 1.5(v29) -m0 -md=64k

     Service: EOF

Archive: fico-lmbtcb-subs.rar
Details: RAR 4, recovery record

        Name: fico-lmbtcb.idx
        Type: File
        Size: 24181
 Packed size: 24181
       Ratio: 100%
       mtime: 2009-01-03 13:39:47,125000000
  Attributes: ..A....
       CRC32: F82F3E6F
     Host OS: Windows
 Compression: RAR 1.5(v20) -m0 -md=512k

        Name: fico-lmbtcb.rar
        Type: File
        Size: 278837
 Packed size: 278837
       Ratio: 100%
       mtime: 2009-01-26 19:33:13,788875000
  Attributes: ..A....
       CRC32: F606CC52
     Host OS: Windows
 Compression: RAR 1.5(v20) -m0 -md=512k

        Name: RR
        Type: Service
        Size: 9890
 Packed size: 9890
       Ratio: 100%
       mtime: 1979-11-30 00:00:00,000000000
  Attributes: .B
       CRC32: 9B139D45
     Host OS: Windows
 Compression: RAR 1.5(v29) -m0 -md=64k

     Service: EOF

This indicates to me 0 compression at this level and a variable dictionary size.
So I extracted the archives to see the inner rar and their settings

Archive: fico-leban.rar
Details: RAR 4

        Name: fico-leban.sub
        Type: File
        Size: 3835904
 Packed size: 827312
       Ratio: 21%
       mtime: 2014-04-27 21:37:26,223710100
  Attributes: ..A....
       CRC32: 540EA433
     Host OS: Windows
 Compression: RAR 1.5(v29) -m5 -md=4m
Archive: fico-lmbtcb.rar
Details: RAR 4

        Name: fico-lmbtcb.sub
        Type: File
        Size: 1226752
 Packed size: 278758
       Ratio: 22%
       mtime: 2009-01-03 13:39:47,062500000
  Attributes: ..A....
       CRC32: F664D350
     Host OS: Windows
 Compression: RAR 1.5(v29) -m5 -md=2m

These ones appear to have maximum compression applied and again a varying dict size.

The release I'm looking to recreate does have an SRR file for the subs so I looked at it

(venv) PS C:\Users\user\rescene\Girl.Of.Finland.1967.DVDRip.XviD-FiCO> srr -e .\fico-gof-subs.srr
The file is an SRR file.
Block: SRR Volume Header; offset: 0x0 (0 bytes)
|Header bytes: 69696901001b001200707952655363656e65204175746f20302e36
|HEAD_CRC:   0x6969
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x69 (SRR Volume Header)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x0001
|   0x0001 (an application name (length) field is present)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x1B (27 bytes)
+Application name length: 0x12 (18 bytes)
+Application name: pyReScene Auto 0.6

Block: SRR Stored File; offset: 0x1B (27 bytes)
|Header bytes: 6a6a6a008019007c0000000c006669636f2d676f662e737272
|HEAD_CRC:   0x6A6A
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x6A (SRR Stored File)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x8000
|   0x8000 LONG_BLOCK (ADD_SIZE field present)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x19 (25 bytes)
+ADD_SIZE: 0x7C (124 bytes)(the size of the stored file)
+Stored file name length (2 bytes): 0xC (12 bytes)
+Stored file name: fico-gof.srr

Block: SRR Stored File; offset: 0xB0 (176 bytes)
|Header bytes: 6a6a6a00801a00210000000d006c616e6775616765732e64697a
|HEAD_CRC:   0x6A6A
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x6A (SRR Stored File)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x8000
|   0x8000 LONG_BLOCK (ADD_SIZE field present)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x1A (26 bytes)
+ADD_SIZE: 0x21 (33 bytes)(the size of the stored file)
+Stored file name length (2 bytes): 0xD (13 bytes)
+Stored file name: languages.diz

Block: SRR RAR subblock; offset: 0xEB (235 bytes)
|Header bytes: 71717101001a0011006669636f2d676f662d737562732e726172
|HEAD_CRC:   0x7171
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x71 (SRR RAR subblock)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x0001
|   0x0001 (the stored recovery data is removed)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x1A (26 bytes)
+Rar name length (2 bytes): 0x11 (17 bytes)
+Rar name: fico-gof-subs.rar

Block: RAR Marker; offset: 0x105 (261 bytes)
|Header bytes: 526172211a0700
|Rar marker block is always 'Rar!1A0700' (magic number)
|HEAD_CRC:   0x6152
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x72 (RAR Marker)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x7 (7 bytes)

Block: RAR Archive Header; offset: 0x10C (268 bytes)
|Header bytes: cf907300000d00000000000000
|HEAD_CRC:   0x90CF
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x73 (RAR Archive Header)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x0000
|HEAD_SIZE:  0xD (13 bytes)
+RESERVED1: 2 bytes: 0
+RESERVED2: 4 bytes: 0

Block: RAR File; offset: 0x119 (281 bytes)
|Header bytes: cb597480903100918200009182000002267f0a4b446f964014300c00200000006669636f2d676f662e69647800b0874988
|HEAD_CRC:   0x59CB
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x74 (RAR File)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x9080
|   0x8000 LONG_BLOCK (ADD_SIZE field present)
|   0x1000 LHD_EXTTIME (Extended time field present)
|   0x0080 LHD_WINDOW (Dictionary size 1024 KiB)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x31 (49 bytes)
+PACK_SIZE: 33425 bytes (ADD_SIZE + HIGH_PACK_SIZE field)
+UNP_SIZE: 33425 bytes
+HOST_OS: Windows used to create this file block.
+FTIME: 2012-04-22 13:58:08
+UNP_VER: Version 2.0 is needed to extract.
+METHOD: Storing
+NAME_SIZE: always present
+ATTR: 20
+FILE_NAME: fico-gof.idx
+modification time: 2012-04-22 13:58:8.8931719
+creation time: UNKNOWN
+last access time: UNKNOWN
+archival time: UNKNOWN

Block: RAR File; offset: 0x14A (330 bytes)
|Header bytes: 441a7480903100e06a0a00e06a0a000221e247017198a64014300c00200000006669636f2d676f662e72617200f0155207
|HEAD_CRC:   0x1A44
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x74 (RAR File)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x9080
|   0x8000 LONG_BLOCK (ADD_SIZE field present)
|   0x1000 LHD_EXTTIME (Extended time field present)
|   0x0080 LHD_WINDOW (Dictionary size 1024 KiB)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x31 (49 bytes)
+PACK_SIZE: 682720 bytes (ADD_SIZE + HIGH_PACK_SIZE field)
+UNP_SIZE: 682720 bytes
+HOST_OS: Windows used to create this file block.
+FILE_CRC: 0147E221
+FTIME: 2012-05-06 19:03:34
+UNP_VER: Version 2.0 is needed to extract.
+METHOD: Storing
+NAME_SIZE: always present
+ATTR: 20
+FILE_NAME: fico-gof.rar
+modification time: 2012-05-06 19:03:35.0479765
+creation time: UNKNOWN
+last access time: UNKNOWN
+archival time: UNKNOWN

Block: RAR Archive end; offset: 0x17B (379 bytes)
|Header bytes: c43d7b00400700
|HEAD_CRC:   0x3DC4
|HEAD_TYPE:  0x7B (RAR Archive end)
|HEAD_FLAGS: 0x4000
|   0x4000 SKIP_IF_UNKNOWN (older RAR versions will ignore this block)
|HEAD_SIZE:  0x7 (7 bytes)

SRR sha1 content hash: 06a17eee9ae3bb0282953c7844b2852e8c7f2be5

Which to me indicates

  • WindowsOS
  • 1m dictionary size

But since I have a rar (fico-gof-subs.rar) with a rar (fico-gof.rar) which finally contains the sub "fico-gof.sub", I would presume that the modified time of the .sub file in the archive is lost.

Does the srr toolkit save the double archived .sub file time in order for me to recreate it with the same CRC32?

Also, do you know what exactly this "RAR 1.5(v29)" version is? Is it a custom one or just ancient?

by Woven1Woven1, 08 Aug 2024 23:16

as owner of hub suddenly decide to close his hub and didnt give time to merge people to another hub - he destroyed community
i hope all people from that hub wont lost their connections
mail me and i will reg u at another hub

Izu_uzI (guest) 30 Jun 2024 10:30
in discussion General discussion / ReScene » Manual reScene using RAR 5.50 and above


You will need at least one of these 2 things to start your journey: an SRR for that release, or one of the original RAR volume, even damaged. Otherwise, you'd better give up, as some of the information will be almost impossible to guess. If you do own this or that, then there is a chance of success, and you may continue your reading. :)

I would also like to give a few corrections to your saying: the level of compression should always be the same, as it's part of the scene rules: releases need to be RARed with "-m1". Actually, to be more accurate, I believe only "-m0" is forbidden, but since all this is supposed to be a race, you will really rarely (never?) see a release done with a bigger/slower level of compression, as it could be enough time loss to loose the race. Then regarding the RAR version, well, I don't know why the creator of ReScene made it such a big thing as it's actually not really. From my experience, the main algorithm didn't change that much, and most of the RAR versions would produce the exact same results. Try yourself, you'll see that if you use the same source file and switches, you'll get the same CRCs with almost every RAR version. I unfortunately lost the details, but from my finding, there was like 10 changes that altered the algorithm results, and thus only 10 main versions to stick on. It's easy to find back though, just script a loop to try them all, then compare the CRCs obtained…

So lets start. First thing to check is the ISO last write timestamp. In your example, "release_name.iso" is probably timestamped to the time you've downloaded it. You need to re-timestamp it to the original ISO last write time. You can do this "easily" by running "srr -e Release_Name.srr | findstr FTIME" to spot out the FTIME value. Once you got the proper last write time, just amend your ISO file. I personally do it with PowerShell. Let say the FTIME you found was "2020-02-02 20:02:00", then you just have to run this command: "(Get-Item .\release_name.iso).LastWriteTime = "2020-02-02 20:02:00".

Then you need to know the dictionary size used to RAR the release. The norm these days is often 4MB (-md4m), but it has changed a lot over the years, so it will depend on when your ISO has been RARed. If you own an SRR file for that release, "srr -e Realease_Name.srr | findstr LHD_WINDOW" should return the dictionary size, if you own one of the original RAR volume, "rar lt release_name.rXX" should return some very useful information, including the compression level and the dictionary size at the last line. For example "RAR 1.5(v29) -m1 -md=4M" means again 4MB.

Then you need to know how many cores got used to RAR the release. In other words, you need to "guess" what was the CPU used by the packager… After repacking some yourself, you'll end up with your own DB of guesses for each release groups and era. But good tries these days are often 16, 24, 32 or even 48. A good thing is that 1, 2, 4 & 8 were/are also common ones, and should all produce the same result than 16 & 32, so I would definitely start by trying 16. By the way, max is 64. RAR can't currently handle more. (didn't try with RAR v7 though, but not relevant for us, will tell you why soon)

And finally, you need to force the use of RAR4 by adding the switch "-ma4". By the way, it's not possible anymore since RAR v7.00, so I would recommend sticking on RAR v6.24 which is probably going to be the most used one, at least on recent releases. They've also removed the "-vn" switch used to force the old style volume naming, what a shame… :(

That's it! This should be enough to recreate 90% of the releases. There is of course some other traps & tricks, but rarely met. You've actually mentioned one, which is the OS used to package the release. it's a more tricky one that you might think… You can find out the OS by running "rar lt" like already done before. It is stored at byte 0x23 of every RAR volume: "02" for Windows, "03" for Unix & "04" for MacOS. You could amend it manually with an hex editor, but you have to know that each segment of a RAR file ends with a CRC check to tell if it has been damaged or not. So if you amend the OS byte manually, you also need to recompute & amend the said CRC… which means you will also need to amend the main CRC contained in the last segment, and computed using all the previous segments… which means you will also need to recompute & amend the CRC of the last segment. Oh, and there is also the file permissions stored from byte 0x2F to 0x32… Erh… In other words, that's probably where we all decide to give up.

There is one last case that I didn't mention. Depending on how the packager scripts are done, it is possible that the ISO file got stream RARed using the "-si" switch. This would change some bytes here and there, and this will always amend the FTIME to current time, so you cannot force the original one anymore. Again, unless you're ready to hex edit and recompute CRC segments etc, better give up.

As a final thought, you should keep in mind that some release groups are using their own modded RAR version. When that's the case, srrDB displays this warning at the end of the release page: "Custom RAR packer detected". In these case, there is nothing you can do to reconstruct, that's a 100% give up.

I wanted to dev something using all the knowledge I managed to gather over the years, but never really had the time. If someone does, please, feel free to use my findings and/or contact me. :)

Hope it helped.

by Izu_uzI (guest), 30 Jun 2024 10:30

Hi there
I was trying to reconstruct a mkv sample file, and ReSample gave me the error: Unable to locate track signature for track 3. Aborting.
I got the original sample file anyway, and when I compared it with the main video file, I notice that the track 3 is a subtitle track, and somehow, when they created the sample file, they applied zlib compression to those subtitles. So, the content of the tracks is different in each file.
I think a possible solution, for future versions of ReSample, could be to save the entire track blocks/frames inside the srs file, only for tracks that can not be located in the main video file. This would be applicable only to small tracks such as subtitle tracks, to maintain a relative small size.
Of course, this only could be done if the main video file is available and the -c option is specified when the srs file is created.

I am looking for an album I created years ago, wondering if anyone can point em in the right direction? Below is the info about it, thank you so much if anyone can point me in the right direction! I had it on an old computer and external HD years and years ago, but had many years of health problems to deal with and when I went to check the computer and External drive it was gone. I see SRRDB put up the SRR file of it in 2014, curious if anyone can point me in the right direction of getting a copy of it all these years later? I know it is a long shot but thought I would ask. Any Torrent? IRC channel? FTP? Website?

Thanks so much to anyone who can point me in the right direction or that responds, take care.

Title: VA-Katalist_Presents-Styles_United-2002-CMS
ReScene version: pyReScene Auto 0.5
Scene release by: CMS
Year: 2002

Hello all! I created an album years ago and CMS released a scene release for it. Long story short, I had a ton of health issues I had to deal with and was pretty much not able to do much of anything and when I finally checked my old computer and old External they both where busted, would love to get my hands on a copy of this rip. Someone on srrdb uploaded the SRR file for it (I will post the link below).

If anyone has any idea of a IRC channel, website, torrent or FTP that might have old CMS releases I would be more than happy.
The name of the album and release is: VA-Katalist_Presents-Styles_United-2002-CMS

The SRR website link is:

If anyone can point me in the right direction of getting a copy of this scene release I would be over the moon. I know it is a real long shot, but I thought I would ask on here as it says "pyReScene Auto 0.5 " on the srr webpage.

Thank you and take care everyone!


I just started learning about .rss files and I don’t know all about it yet. I have some .rss files that I’m guessing, contain some videos. I’ve been able to extract them with another extracting tool, that would extract the files as an MP4 or MKV, but the files would have no data after extracting. On the site that I got them, I saw that the files were over 1GB.

I’m on Mac as well and I haven’t seen your Rescene application being able to download on Mac. What could I do to open my files on Mac, is there a version of your app available for macOS? Also, would the actual Rescene app do what I did but extract the files with actual data on them?

The archives use the RAR5 file format. This isn't supported yet.

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