Original homepage: http://anime.wingzero.net/nvCRC/
[Whats New]
[+ = completed feature]
[- = not yet added ]
-added lots of command line features
-added default paths
-added fonts view
-0.55 [ September 30 2000 ]
+uppercase crc
+trimright crc
+no scroll of found errors (status bar)
+decrease patch interval low to 128 bytes
-added drag and drop
-0.50 [ August 29 2000 ]
+added already checked
+right mouse click starts at that folder
+fix spelling
+fix icon for skipped files
+fix lingering temp.txt
+added close only if all ok
+speed up checked file
+added a lot more hints (mouse over hints)
+added checkbox for *.nvp (patch)
+added fixing feature
++ if compare file > request file
++ if compare file = request file
-- if compare file < request file
-0.42 [ August 18 2000 ]
+added right click on folder make sfv
+fixed size error
+moved .ini to registry (less problems)
-0.40 [ August 10 2000 ]
+fix .missing file count
+fix checksfv.bat
+fix location of result file
+added adjustable buffer size
+added save size and location
+added checkbox for *.sfv associate
+added nvDDE
-0.38 [ July 31 2000 ]
+added date/time to sfv like winsfv
+change file info format
+deletes previous result file to make new one
-0.37 [ June 14 2000 ]
+fix digits of result file
+fix dupe result file
+fix result file setting save
-0.36 [ June 13 2000 ]
+added result file
+fix .missing
+rename some things
-0.35 [ April 26 2000 ]
+added icon associate
+add url to about
+added commas to verify
+added delete bad/missing file if good found
-0.34 [ March 06 2000 ]
+fix verify scroll
+cheap fixes
+and few misc bugs
-0.33 [ March 06 2000 ]
+fix verify file size
+fix comments bug
+move checkboxes
+added help hints
+added ascii nfo viewing
+added manual default.ini edit
+added registry for *.sfv
+fix clear icon
+added close after done
+added more save settings
+added default paths
-0.30 [ Faburary 27 2000 ]
+added default.ini to save settings
+fix load bug
+fix load and save default.ini
-0.23 [ Faburary 26 2000 ]
+changed show to hide
+added .missing files
-0.22 [ Faburary 25 2000 ]
+added resizing
+added color icons
+added more columns adjustable
-0.21 [ July 15 1999 ]
+added the about_tab
+moved the readme.txt here
+added rename bad crc files
-0.20 [ July 12 1999 ]
+move buttons around
+added clear to create tab
+added multi-thread
+added stop button
+added seperate progress bar
+fixed add files with space
+fix bad thread
+added auto scroll
+save the path for verify sfv, so u can load many
sfv and check
+added settings tab
-0.11 [ July 12 1999 ]
+added path for creating crc32
+sfv file can be located anywhere
+added files can be located anywhere
+added icons to show picture meaning
-0.10 [ July 11 1999 ]
+the first version
+made everything
+Create sfv
+adds and removes files
+checkbox for comments
+checkbox for file info
+progressbar for crc32
+comments tab
+verfiy crc32
+clear/remove verify list
+checkbox for on load do clear or verify
+checkbox to delete if error
+load/save comments from/to text file
+show/hide the verify sfv file
+verify command line sfv file
+status of crc32 and for info
this crc32 program was created to check files for
errors when being transfered from spot to
i decided to write this little program because all
the other crc32 programs i have come across all
sucked. this one is so much easier to use and i
think its even faster than any other out there
[1] to creat a sfv file first click on the add button
and select the files you want to include
[2] use clear and remove to get rid of any
selected items u want to take out
[3] click on the checkboxes to inlcude extra file
info such as file size and date
[4] go to the comments_tab or click on comments
to edit the comments you might want to include
[5] at the comments_tab, you are able to load
from a text file or save the comment to a text file
[6] click on the include comments to save the
comments with the sfv file
[7] during the crc32 making, you can stop the
process or take files out at any time
[1] the verify_tab has 3 checkboxes you should
set first before doing anything
[2] the clear on load will clear the list before you
verify crc32 (leave it unchecked if you wan to
add many sfv files and check them all at one
[3] the verify on load will click the verify button for
you when the file is loaded
[4] the delete when fail will DELETE the actual
when theres an error use this at your own risk
[5] at any time you can stop the process, but the
crc32 file will still be created and for the crc32
code its 0x00000000
[6] to view the comments or the file you loaded
to the settings_tab
[1] here you can find the sfv you loaded for verify
[2] there is also a checkbox you can set to make
the sfv files compatible with sfv32
page revision: 2, last edited: 19 Jun 2016 18:40