How to clean up and prepare your MP3 Collection for and yourself ;)
Download and install RekSFV, pyReScene and a Hexeditor
SFV checking your existing collection
Start RekSFV and let it crawl through you MP3s.
Either let ReKSFV do it or manually sort out the damaged folders
into an extra folder (e.g. "_2Work")
Find Releases without an SFV file
You can use the included _sfvsearch.bat
Put it into your RootMP3 directory and let it scan all subfolders to check if a *.sfv file is present.
All releases without a *.sfv file will be listed in NoSFV.txt in the same folder.
Copy those releases into the mentioned "Workfolder" too.
-or- Use the function in the included tool.
Find Releases without an *.m3u
You can use the included _m3usearch.bat
Put it into your RootMP3 directory and let it scan all subfolders to check if a *.m3u file is present.
All releases without a *.m3u file will be listed in NoM3U.txt in the same folder.
Copy those releases into the mentioned "Workfolder" too.
-or- Use the function in the included tool.
Find Releases without an *.nfo
You can use the included _nfosearch.bat
Put it into your RootMP3 directory and let it scan all subfolders to check if a *.nfo file is present.
All releases without a *.nfo folder will be listed in NoNFO.txt in the same folder.
Copy those releases into the mentioned "Workfolder" too.
-or- Use the function in the included tool
Collecting the missing goods
Go to and look for the releases in your "workfolder".
If available add the missing files. Feel free to look for them anywhere else ;)
For example #incomplete
Fixing Errors
If you've got releases with damaged mp3 files, try to download the corresponding *.srr file.
Place them in the corresponding folder.
Now delete existing nfo/m3u/sfv/jpg and try to fix the mp3s with retag Releasename.srr
If you are an advanced user you can also try some manual repairing technics as described in
Liquids.MP3.Hex.Tutorial.V1.0.eBOOK-LS or on the MP3 repairing page
Finding renames or additional files
In theory every release nowadays follows certain patterns which are described in the RIAA Rules.
In most cases it is like this: Artist [Separator] Album [Sep] Type [Sep] Language [Sep] Year [Sep] Group
So I tried to "code" a tool which uses the *.nfo filenames to check if the release has been renamed.
Run the included MP3dirs.exe and choose your MP3 collection in the root folder box
and the destination for the results in the results folder box. Afterwards press "Find renamed".
If it works it will produce a Rename.bat which will let you see suggested folders for renaming
back to its original release name. To help you with the decision, the nfo name based on which the tool thinks
that you have to rename is included. Edit it and run it.
Now check the generated "2check.txt". It lists all files where something might be wrong.
Compare with srrdb or other dupecheckers and correct/delete them as precise as possible.
For your convenience you can right-click in the "found" list box and directly open the corresponding release on srrdb.
The source code can be found on
One more time let RekSFV do the work and copy all your repaired or completed releases back into your collection
SRR time
Now let pyReScene do its job generating all the *.srr files.
Helping others
Upload the generated *.srr on to help others achieve the same task.
That's it.
Appendix: files
_dir.bat Export all folders and subfolders in MP3List.txt in the same folder (clean it with Notepad++)
_m3usearch.bat List Releases without m3u in NoM3U.txt in the same folder
_nfosearch.bat List Releases without nfo in NoNFO.txt in the same folder
_sfvsearch.bat List Releases without sfv in NoSFV.txt in the same folder
_mkdirs.bat Create folders from NoSFV.txt
_Compare.vbs Compare MP3List.txt with another one to remove duplicates and list differences. Manual editing of I/O filenames
MP3dirs.exe Experimental missing and renames release scanner. I strongly recommend a clean collection!
Source to be found at
Note: check scripts and behavior yourself. Tutorial not verified by us.